Lex and Barret were HUGE helpers, can't you tell! HE HE!
They will be moving to the Hill Country this week!
I am soooo sad for my own selfish reason, but I am really happy for them, and now we have a really cool place to visit. I mean, not that Pearland isn't cool, but the Hill Country is AWESOME!
My nephew Barret is the cutest darn thing, his eyes and eyelashes would make a grown woman SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous!
AND for those of you who may not know.................my wonderful sister-in-law is expecting TWINS! YIPPIE!
That has got me super excited!
Baby boy and baby girl are due in December! UUUHHH, Kendall, Nov. 22 would be AN AWESOME day, too!
Anyway, despite all the work over the past few days, I really had fun getting a chance to catch up with Kendall, love on Barret, we laughed ALOT, I learned so many neat organizational things....I love to be organized, and I got some great loot (they had a garage sale...those are ALWAYS FUN) and FOOD! Many thanks guys!
We will be praying for you! We love you much and can't wait to come visit!
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