OK, so I am stubborn and hard-headed, but I am trying to work through this.....thanks to the grace of God and the WONDERFUL book I am reading !
I am finding that our world is SO incredibly warped!
You know it sends the message to be strong, independent, don't let anyone take advantage of you, stand up for yourself and this message is started out at an early age!
This is where the stubborn, hard-headedness (if that is even a word) comes into play that I am DESPERATELY trying to change.
Do you stand up for what you feel/think is right?
Like that would mean you are living by/on emotion, right?
Or, do you just lay it down? That would mean your are weak and let people take advantage of you??????????? And I am NOT weak and WILL NOT be taken advantage of!
I so remember having a conversation with my friend not too long ago about how I "stood up for myself and what was right".
My rational was that the Lord did not intend for us to be "walked all over or taken advantage of".
But I had this feeling....what I thought was condemnation and figured it was another one of the enemy's savvy tricks, so I was determined NOT to let it get to me. I even had others pray with me and for me because the condemnation was just lingering.
Well, as I am reading in my book, I see that we ARE to just "lay it down" and not take matters into our own hands. We just give that person over to the Lord....and let HIM deal with that person. OH GOSH! What freedom, one less thing the Lord needs my help with... HE HE!
It DOES NOT mean we are weak or giving people a ticket to trample on us like a door mat, it means we are OBEDIENT!
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Romans 8:31
So that feeling I was feeling was CONVICTION, from the Lord, not condemnation (this is never from the Lord)! He was convicting me that I took matters into my own hands instead of giving that person and situation over to HIM to allow him to work for GLORY!
So for 4 months I have been walking around with conviction, not even realizing it was conviction, thinking it was condemnation and something was wrong with me and wondering if it would EVER leave me....
When all I really needed 4 mos ago was a ROLL of DUCK TAPE and more FAITH!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
The Challenge? Next time you are wronged or feel you are wronged, send out a prayer and even pray for the person who you believed wronged you! Yes, I said pray for them! It seems crazy, I know! Then sit back and watch God in his glory! His plan is far better that what we could do or imagine.
This blog is about our crazy, hectic life....right here, right now and FOR REAL!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Princess in the making.........
One time she had an ortho appt and it interfered with recess....
well, I got an ear full and she requested that I not make appts. at that hour any more because she does NOT want to miss recess.
Now me at that age?
I would have been like "WOOOO WHHHOOOO I missed recess" and begged my mom to take me to lunch and home for the rest of the day!
Don't get me wrong, there is NOTHING wrong with this, but I was a major GIRLY, GIRLY so you can imagine my surprise when she was anything but thrilled when she got her 1st tea set.
But she is still AWESOME and we are getting pretty good at getting tennis shoes to go with dresses or skirts and she likes that because she can still run really fast at recess!
I love her so much and I am glad the Lord gave her to us!
Bye! Bye!
Lex and Barret were HUGE helpers, can't you tell! HE HE!
They will be moving to the Hill Country this week!
I am soooo sad for my own selfish reason, but I am really happy for them, and now we have a really cool place to visit. I mean, not that Pearland isn't cool, but the Hill Country is AWESOME!
My nephew Barret is the cutest darn thing, his eyes and eyelashes would make a grown woman SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous!
AND for those of you who may not know.................my wonderful sister-in-law is expecting TWINS! YIPPIE!
That has got me super excited!
Baby boy and baby girl are due in December! UUUHHH, Kendall, Nov. 22 would be AN AWESOME day, too!
Anyway, despite all the work over the past few days, I really had fun getting a chance to catch up with Kendall, love on Barret, we laughed ALOT, I learned so many neat organizational things....I love to be organized, and I got some great loot (they had a garage sale...those are ALWAYS FUN) and FOOD! Many thanks guys!
We will be praying for you! We love you much and can't wait to come visit!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Living this Life!
Yesterday my friend received some world-rockin' news and it got me thinking.
In life there are no guarantees....but there are some certains, we will live and die. Some people are given a longer time on this earth than others.
I am really not afraid of dying, but what I am afraid of is the sadness that will be with my family in my absence......my kids, Brent, my parents. But the Lord will take care of them....
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
But what really shook me was how would I be remembered?
I am SO GUILTY of not taking the time to "smell the roses", I like my house to be clean and orderly (yes I am SOOOO TYPE A), I gripe (or yell) about silly things, I say "NO" alot, I really don't "play" with the kids...I am involved but I don't play "house" or "babies"(I wish I could talk Chloe into playing "Spa", but she is not going for it) or whatever.
I don't want to be remembered as a griper or complainer, a meanie or lame-O.
I don't want to be remembered as selfish or stubborn, either.
I have heard the terms "dance like no one is watching"......"live like there is no tomorrow" and never given it much thought, but now I am thinking that might be some pretty good advice.
Slowing down, making lemonade when life gives you lemons, taking in the beauty of this world and life that I have been given, living selflessly, let people know how much they mean to me.
That is how I want to be remembered!
Each day is a gift that is why it is called present and you never know what tomorrow holds!
In life there are no guarantees....but there are some certains, we will live and die. Some people are given a longer time on this earth than others.
I am really not afraid of dying, but what I am afraid of is the sadness that will be with my family in my absence......my kids, Brent, my parents. But the Lord will take care of them....
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
But what really shook me was how would I be remembered?
I am SO GUILTY of not taking the time to "smell the roses", I like my house to be clean and orderly (yes I am SOOOO TYPE A), I gripe (or yell) about silly things, I say "NO" alot, I really don't "play" with the kids...I am involved but I don't play "house" or "babies"(I wish I could talk Chloe into playing "Spa", but she is not going for it) or whatever.
I don't want to be remembered as a griper or complainer, a meanie or lame-O.
I don't want to be remembered as selfish or stubborn, either.
I have heard the terms "dance like no one is watching"......"live like there is no tomorrow" and never given it much thought, but now I am thinking that might be some pretty good advice.
Slowing down, making lemonade when life gives you lemons, taking in the beauty of this world and life that I have been given, living selflessly, let people know how much they mean to me.
That is how I want to be remembered!
Each day is a gift that is why it is called present and you never know what tomorrow holds!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Best book EVER!
OK! I am reading the most awesome book....The Bait of Satan, by John Bevere. Thanks Tracy for telling me about it! I can not put it down!
This book is about being offended.
To me being offended meant like someone asking me "When is your baby due" and HELLO I am NOT even pregnant. Or one time I had someone, a complete stranger, ask me if all my kids had the SAME DAD? What is that??
Those things were offensive to me.
But I am learning in this book that being offended means someone wrongs you OR you BELIEVE you have been wronged and you hang on to that.
Sometimes you can even trick yourself into thinking you were not offended but you are not tricking the most important person......GOD! He knows your heart...He knows the number of hairs on your head! Who do you think your kiddin'?
Anyway, I am also learning that I am selfish! OUCH! This is something that I do not want to be, I want to be selfless. By being offended I am allowing myself to be controlled by the flesh.
The book give many examples of people in the Bible who had been wronged but chose to not be offended!
It shows how Joseph showed nothing but grace to the SAME brothers who sold him as a slave, he knew it was part of God's plan. WHAT??? If my siblings sold me as a SLAVE, well.....I would not have handled the situation like Joseph did (but I am trying to be better). David showed grace to Saul by not killing him, when given several opportunities, and David actually mourned for him when he was finally killed and David took care of Saul's family.
They took themselves out of the picture, emotions and all, and were obedient! They let God deal with the offenders!
GOSH! That is how I want to be!
I will definitely be keeping ya'll updated on this book!
This book is about being offended.
To me being offended meant like someone asking me "When is your baby due" and HELLO I am NOT even pregnant. Or one time I had someone, a complete stranger, ask me if all my kids had the SAME DAD? What is that??
Those things were offensive to me.
But I am learning in this book that being offended means someone wrongs you OR you BELIEVE you have been wronged and you hang on to that.
Sometimes you can even trick yourself into thinking you were not offended but you are not tricking the most important person......GOD! He knows your heart...He knows the number of hairs on your head! Who do you think your kiddin'?
Anyway, I am also learning that I am selfish! OUCH! This is something that I do not want to be, I want to be selfless. By being offended I am allowing myself to be controlled by the flesh.
The book give many examples of people in the Bible who had been wronged but chose to not be offended!
It shows how Joseph showed nothing but grace to the SAME brothers who sold him as a slave, he knew it was part of God's plan. WHAT??? If my siblings sold me as a SLAVE, well.....I would not have handled the situation like Joseph did (but I am trying to be better). David showed grace to Saul by not killing him, when given several opportunities, and David actually mourned for him when he was finally killed and David took care of Saul's family.
They took themselves out of the picture, emotions and all, and were obedient! They let God deal with the offenders!
GOSH! That is how I want to be!
I will definitely be keeping ya'll updated on this book!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
And he's off................
Look at that, would you! Lex has finally mastered the skill of pedaling. I am so proud of him! And he is soooo fast, too! A few times that little bike has almost threw him. He thinks he is so big. I got a bike and now when I tell him we are going on a bike ride he runs to his bike and then acts CRAZY when I tell him he can't take his just yet. His response is "but me big now and me can wide fast, see"................and zoom off he goes. He even has the stand up thing going at times! What a toot!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Fear this!
You know there are so many things to experience in life that are missed due to fear. Now this could be a true fear, like being overcome with fear, or a subtle fear. Maybe fear of rejection or fear of failure. Well, it says everywhere in scripture not to be afraid. In fact being fearful means you are not trusting the Lord, and when you are not trusting the Lord, well, that is sin! OUCH! We are by no means perfect people, but WE should be able to trust the Lord. He is faithful and the Bible tells us so! Over the past couple of days I have read about different types of fear, OK Lord I see where this is going, and I have realized that I am fearful person! Why?? I don't know.
If the Lord is for me who can be against me?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Well, I am thinking that this is just ONE of the many ways the enemy starts to work on a person. "Oh yeah, let me fill them fear and doubt and then they will get stuck and and quit trying!" Well, enemy I have NEWS for YOU! I am not going to live that way. I can't! I want to be full of joy and ready to receive what the Lord has for me. I do not want to go around living my life in fear! I know that I can not please everyone, everybody will not always like me or my ideas or my food or whatever.....but I am seeking the Lord and all that other stuff does not matter.
I mean look at David and Goliath.....this little guy fought a huge giant, and won...killed him, with ONLY a sling shot and rock and the Lord took care of the rest! He was TOTALLY trusting the Lord! Go DAVID!
Joyce Meyer is always saying "if we do what we can, the Lord will do the rest!"
The light is finally on! I think I am starting to get it.
When we have expectations in or for anyone else, other than the Lord, we will be disappointed!
"Look! He has placed the land in front of you. Go and occupy it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has promised you. Don’t be afraid! Don’t be discouraged!" Deut 1:21
If the Lord is for me who can be against me?
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Well, I am thinking that this is just ONE of the many ways the enemy starts to work on a person. "Oh yeah, let me fill them fear and doubt and then they will get stuck and and quit trying!" Well, enemy I have NEWS for YOU! I am not going to live that way. I can't! I want to be full of joy and ready to receive what the Lord has for me. I do not want to go around living my life in fear! I know that I can not please everyone, everybody will not always like me or my ideas or my food or whatever.....but I am seeking the Lord and all that other stuff does not matter.
I mean look at David and Goliath.....this little guy fought a huge giant, and won...killed him, with ONLY a sling shot and rock and the Lord took care of the rest! He was TOTALLY trusting the Lord! Go DAVID!
Joyce Meyer is always saying "if we do what we can, the Lord will do the rest!"
The light is finally on! I think I am starting to get it.
When we have expectations in or for anyone else, other than the Lord, we will be disappointed!
"Look! He has placed the land in front of you. Go and occupy it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has promised you. Don’t be afraid! Don’t be discouraged!" Deut 1:21
Monday, July 14, 2008
I am so blessed to have such an awesome family! Now I am not saying that we are perfect....but it is pretty darn good! My Mimi has been living in Magnolia for 1 yr. Last July she sold her home, the ONLY home I ever remember her and my grandfather ever living in, to move to an "apartment" at my dad and Brenda's house. This was HUGE for her, but not too long ago she told me "I don't know why I waited so long!". My Mimi just toddles around town ALL the time. She is known on a first name bases at Walgreen's in Decker Prairie and she thinks Brookshire Bros. "rocks".....those were not her exact words, but pretty close. HE HE! She also has recently discovered Wednesday's at the community center where she can play Bridge...Ye HAW! That is HUGE and she loves going there and visiting with friends! I am glad she is here! I am so thankful that my dad and Brenda are in a situation that allowed Mimi to live there, too! I love you MIMI! Daddy and Brenda, MANY, MANY thanks to you guys and Taylor and Tracy too!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Target, Walmart and KIDS!
Would you just look at those sweet faces, aren't they precious? Yeah, until you step foot inside a store!
I used to think it was the red bulls eye...you know red is a fiery color and then you couple that with the whole bulls eye thing which brings out the whole wild, competitiveness stuff.
You know you park your car and start the 10 minute trek to the store...well, it takes US 10 minutes even when we are front row Joes. The kids start gazing at the huge red bulls eyes during the trek into the store, then the automatic doors fly open and they turn into WILD ANIMALS! There are times I have to do a double take to make sure I have not accidentally taken someone elses kids, but no they ARE MINE!
So then I thought Walmart will be better. There is no red bulls eye and Walmart is blue..a nice soothing, relaxing color. But to my surprise the same behavior was noted! What is the deal?
If anyone has any suggestions or ideas..please do share!
Paul tells us that love is patient and kind..but he obviously never went to the store with 3 kids in tow!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Are you contagious?
No, this is not about covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze or how important it is to frequently wash your hands. Although those things ARE important this is about something you WANT to catch. A contagious spirit
Is your spirit contagious?
This is something that I truly want to have but it is real work for me. I mean, I want people to say "What is with her?" and not in a bad way. I want to be peculiar for Christ. Doing because I love him and serving others is what I am called to do, not based on what I feel like doing or think I can or can't do.
Jesus was a servant, I mean he even washed feet!
Our sermon this Sunday was about 6 characteristics of a true servant. Those characteristics are 1) being trustworthy and dependable 2) having genuine concern for others and their needs and not just himself 3) proves himself over an extended period of time - not "fizzling out" over time 4) has a positive outlook even in the face of difficulties 5) serves others even at the cost of great personal sacrifice and hardship..............oohh, that's a tough one! 6) is deserving of honor and esteem for what he does for Christ and others.
I think it is something that people need to be reminded of frequently. You know ministering to someone through actions. Completely removing yourself from the picture. Not doing something because of what's in it for you or how it will effect you, you JUST DO IT!
I love the song Pass it On...It only takes a spark to get a fire glowing, soon all those around can warm up in glowing. That's how it is with God's love once you've experienced it, you spread His love to everyone. You want to pass it on!
Life keeps us busy but lets not take our eyes off of what is really important. You might be just what that person needs today!
Is your spirit contagious?
This is something that I truly want to have but it is real work for me. I mean, I want people to say "What is with her?" and not in a bad way. I want to be peculiar for Christ. Doing because I love him and serving others is what I am called to do, not based on what I feel like doing or think I can or can't do.
Jesus was a servant, I mean he even washed feet!
Our sermon this Sunday was about 6 characteristics of a true servant. Those characteristics are 1) being trustworthy and dependable 2) having genuine concern for others and their needs and not just himself 3) proves himself over an extended period of time - not "fizzling out" over time 4) has a positive outlook even in the face of difficulties 5) serves others even at the cost of great personal sacrifice and hardship..............oohh, that's a tough one! 6) is deserving of honor and esteem for what he does for Christ and others.
I think it is something that people need to be reminded of frequently. You know ministering to someone through actions. Completely removing yourself from the picture. Not doing something because of what's in it for you or how it will effect you, you JUST DO IT!
I love the song Pass it On...It only takes a spark to get a fire glowing, soon all those around can warm up in glowing. That's how it is with God's love once you've experienced it, you spread His love to everyone. You want to pass it on!
Life keeps us busy but lets not take our eyes off of what is really important. You might be just what that person needs today!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Date Night!
What bliss! Last night Brent and I were able to escape the craziness of the Myers Family Home and have a nice dinner to ourselves. You know when you have 3 kids it is really hard to get them all "gone" at the same time, but luckily I live pretty close to Granna and Poppie, Nana and DD and even Auntie Taylor and Auntie Casey watch on occasion. Now I just need to work on Uncle Tracy since Taylor and Casey will be off to college soon! What is the going rate for babysitting these days anyway?
I am so grateful for our "date night" and really realize how important it is to spend 1 on 1 time with your spouse and talk about other things than "kid stuff" or having to say after every 2 words "I am talking wait your turn please!".
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