Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome Briley and Brady!

There here! Briley Grace and Brady Preston were born yesterday minutes after 1:00pm. I'm not sure of exact weights......that is what happens when you send a guy to something like this, but each was on the upper end of 5 lb. As far as birth order, Brent "thinks" Briley was first. When I asked him who was born first his reply was "there twins, they were born at the same time!" HE HE Bless his soul!
As of last night when Brent left San Antonio Briley and Brady were doing well!
Kendall is doing good, needing some rest at this point!
Thanks to those who were praying!

1 comment:

~Tracy~ said...

AWWW!! Welcome Briely and Brady!!!

They are cute and they look big in the picture...

Congrats Aunt Kellie and Uncle Brent!